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Pax Infinitum offers a variety of services, but our primary concern
is consensus solutions.  Some of our competitors tend to err on the
side of immediate attrition.  Not Pax Infinitum.  We don't see the
value of dissolving preexisting infrastructure when consensus
solutions can put that infrastructure to use.


Frequently, our services are commissioned by an interested third
party, often a planet or system with trade interests in one or more of
the parties in conflict.  When resolution has been difficult to
achieve, and consensus appears out of reach, our firm does not give
up.  Aside from conflict consultation, we also have a board of
consultants who specialize in matching the resource needs of rival
planets or systems.  If there is a dearth of helium in Gliese 832, and
an abundance in Gliese 876, then Pax Infinitum will find a way to
stress the mutual investment between the two systems.  "Lasting peace
through lasting profit" is a phrase that gets thrown around our
offices every day.

Consultation Services

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